Canaries | The swimming pool here can be used the whole year round, since the Canary Islands are well-known for their constant and pleasant temperatures.
Spain | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so
that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and
eventful holiday.
Spain | The best way to lend a little “something extra” to your Spanish holiday is with your own pool. Make a spontaneous decision as to whether you want to go to the beach or prefer to enjoy the privacy here.
This is what holiday rental customers wrote about Artà
5.0 out of 5
An atraveo-customer wrote on 11/09/2021 in German
“In Arta gibt es ein vielfältiges Gastronomieangebot und die kleinen Geschäfte laden zum Bummeln ein. Der Ort ist am Dienstag zu meiden, wenn dort Markt ist.
Es finden sich gute Einkaufsmöglichkeiten für den täglichen Bedarf und sehr gute regionale Produkte im Agromarkt (nur 600 m von der Finca entfernt).”
This review has been given for property no. 1685084
atraveo customer Christiaan wrote on 13/09/2019 in Dutch, travel period: September 2019
“Arta is een leuk dorpje in het noordoosten van Mallorca.
Niet zo druk en toeristisch als Palma en de badplaatsen aan de westkust.
Genoeg leuke restaurantjes en winkeltjes. Geen echte uitgaansgelegenheden.”
This review has been given for property no. 1503298